E3Dより許可を得て http://wiki.e3d-online.com/index.php?title=E3D-v6_Troubleshooting を和訳しています。(現在和訳継続中です)
ヒートシンクが十分に冷えているか簡単に確認する手段として、プリント開始後しばらくしてヒートシンクを指で触ってみる方法があります。(ヒーターブロックを触らない様注意して下さい。瞬時にやけどします。) ヒートシンクは加熱部分に一番近いフィンも含め全体的に触れる程度冷却されている筈です。
CPUを冷却するヒートシンクやファンの様に、ヒートシンクが機能するためには適切な伝熱性が必要です。E3Dホットエンドの場合、ねじ切りされたheat-breakチューブをしっかりとヒートシンクに締めておかなければ、熱を伝える為の表面積が不足する事になります。暑い気候下でプリントする場合や継続して問題が発生する場合、heat-breakチューブの上部に熱伝導グリースを十分コーティングしておく事でヒートシンクとの熱伝導性をさらに確実な物にする事が出来ます。熱伝導グリースを塗っている場合でも、振動によりネジが緩みパフォーマンスに影響する事があります。これに対抗するには、ヒートシンクをヒートガンで熱した状態で2本のプライヤーを使いheat breakチューブのネジをしっかりと締めます。熱が冷めた際にヒートシンクとheat breakが確実に固定される筈です。
- ファンを直接12Vや24Vの電源供給に接続していない。
- ホットエンドのファンを電子基板の「Fan」出力に接続し、ホットエンドのファンではなくプリント物冷却のファン制御となってしまっている。
- サードパーティ製ファンダクトを使用し、フィンに対し正しくエアフローが行われていない。提供外の全てのダクトが悪いと言っている訳ではありませんが、ダクトをご自身で選択される場合はデザインに注意して下さい。
- ファンの周辺に障害物がありエアフローを阻害している。
- Heat breakチューブがしっかりとヒートシンクに締められていない。
Bukobotのウェブサイトには素晴らしいノズル掃除のガイドがあり、テクニックや手順について掲載されています。 http://bukobot.com/nozzle-cleaning
1.75mm フィラメント
3mm フィラメント
The supplied thermistor is a Semitec 104-GT2 and your firmware must be configured to use this thermistor.
In ”’Marlin”’ this means using thermistor definition number 5:
:: #define TEMP_SENSOR_0 ”’Repetier Firmware”’ use thermistor definition number 8:
:: #define EXT0_TEMPSENSOR_TYPE ”’Smoothieware”’ use thermistor definition “Semitec”:
::temperature_control.hotend.thermistor Semitec
For ”’RepRapFirmware”’ use the Beta value 4267K.
Using an incorrect thermistor can result in temperatures being too low and increasing extrusion force, as well as producing prints that are poorly bonded.
You may find that after changing your hotend you may need to use slightly different temperatures, as a guide at E3D we tend to print PLA between 190C and 210C, and ABS at 230C to 240C. Your particular filament may however need different settings.
== PTFE tubing not properly inserted (where applicable) ==
In hotends that use PTFE tubing:
*E3D-v5 Bowden 1.75mm
*E3D-v5 Bowden 3mm
*E3D-v6 Bowden 1.75mm
*E3D-v6 Bowden 3mm
*E3D-v6 Direct 1.75mm
The PTFE must be inserted to the fullest extent possible, the hotend is designed to allow the tubing to pass right down into the heatsink, and in v6 1.75mm hotends the tubing passes right down into the HeatBreak.
On bowden systems it is especially helpful to ‘lock in’ the PTFE tubing so that it cannot move around during retraction, this increases reliability, and gives much better retraction performance in general. To do this, push the PTFE firmly into the hotend, while pulling upwards on the black collet that retains the tubing. This locks the tubing into place so that it cannot move during retraction. It is important to do this at both ends of the tube.
Without the tubing the filament has room to bend and slightly buckle inside the hotend, which prevents the extruder being able to exert adequate force through the filament as it acts like a spring when buckled.
The PTFE tubing is absolutely necessary in the E3D-v6 1.75mm Direct hotend. Some people on the internet say it is not needed. Those people are wrong.
== Poor extruder design ==
There are a lot of great extruder designs out there, freely available and 3D printable. There are also some absolutely terrible extruders too, an extruder needs to be able to produce enough force to push the filament into the hotend, and also have enough grip at the drive gear to apply that force.
Some hobbed bolts and drive gears are better than others. In general most conventional hobbed bolts that are cut with a tap work very well, especially as they are often used in conjunction with a geared extruder. We see quite a few issues arising from poor quality drive gears designed to go right onto a 5mm motor shaft, some of which are simply repurposed spur gears, or worse knurled inserts or similar.
Airtripper has an excellent analysis of a range of drive gears, and we second his experiences and reccomendations: http://airtripper.com/1676/3d-printer-extruder-filament-drive-gear-review-benchmark/
Bad drive gears offer poor grip and can deform the filament so badly that it no longer fits down the hotend without significant friction, if at all. A good drive gear that is designed and manufactured from the ground up for 3D printing is an essential component of your printer, a good one only costs a few pounds, this is not a place to be cheap!
A good extruder should constrain the filament from bending, snaking or buckling once it is past the drive gear or hobbed bolt. Having a wide open space where the filament has room to bend or buckle will have a detrimental effect on reliability and performance, it will also make printing flexible filaments nearly impossible.
Wherever possible when using E3Dv6 1.75mm hotends, or E3Dv6 3mm Bowden hotends you should have the PTFE tubing run as far up into the extruder as possible. This provides the smoothest possible path for the filament to travel down with the least possibility of buckling. On our machines the PTFE tubing runs up into the extruder literally to the point where it is in contact with the hobbed bolt. This gives exceptional ease of filament loading and the best possible performance with flexible filaments.
== Still having trouble? ==
If you are still having trouble, we are here to help. Please fill out our [http://goo.gl/kdNZoC questionnaire] and let us know once you have done that via our [https://e3d-online.com/ContactUs Contact Us] page.