There are many 128×64 or 128×32 monochrome OLED display out, and recently, I’ve seen tiny 64×32 dot OLED display sold. However, library such as Adafruit SSD1306 does not support this resolution at this time. Either find library which support tiny display, or make modification to library. I’ve modifed Adafruit SSD1306 library (version 2.2.0) to use with 64×32 OLED display. Modifications are 2 part in Adafruit_SSD1306.cpp file. Around line 549 and 888, add / modify for 64×32 resolution. Since I simply replaced code near line 888, this library won’t be compatible with other resolution. Simple Hello World sample sketch. Below includes sample sketch with modified library. Also, I’ve modified ESP_Adafruit_SSD1306 library …