Upon developing android design tool for Animal Crossing, New Leaf (3DS game), I needed to read / write structured append QR code (4 sets of QR code consisting one data). I made a little modification to Zxing code, and will explain how I did it.
I’m not going to explain detail on how to use Zxing library; refer to other site for basic usage.
You need to prepare Ant for building Zxing source code, but if you only need to read structured array QR, you don’t need to rebuild source code (can be done using default library). If you want to create structrued array QR code, you will need to modify Zxing source code, so as Ant for rebuilding library file.
I used Zxing 2.0 source code, so there may be difference in latest release. I also used Windows for building environment.
First, download Zxing source / library (ZXing-2.X.zip).
And Ant, if you want to rebuild source code (apache-ant-1.X.X-bin.zip).
Unzip each file to some folder. You need 2 files from Zxing file; jar file to Android project libs folder, PlanarYUVLuminanceSource.java to project source file in order to read QR using camera.
zxing-2.X\core\core.jar zxing-2.X\android\src\com\google\zxing\client\android\PlanarYUVLuminanceSource.java
Create batch file below under core folder so you can easily rebuild core.jar later on.
set path=%path%;"c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_09\bin";c:\android\Zxing\apache-ant-1.8.4\binset set JAVA_HOME=c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_09 ant
Modify path appropriate to your environment.
Now, preparation is complete. Let’s move to reading structured append QR code.
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